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Happy 24!

    I Hope We Can
    All Relax

    After a year of excesses—political, cultural, climatic, and in my case, personal—I think it’s time to take a reflective pause.

    I see signs everywhere of a “radicalized” world, incapable of any mediation, or at least open to an objective analysis of any problem that needs addressing.

    The technological reality, which was supposed to break down walls and divisions, fueling global debate, has instead achieved the exact opposite, relegating us to a new Middle Ages—obtuse, bigoted, and violent.

    So, we see enemies everywhere, and where we don’t find them, someone is kind enough to invent them. There’s something for everyone—political, religious, ecological, cultural, sports, and even artistic. Step right up…

    Happy New Year, then, and I renew my wish to reflect on the importance of communicating freely, honestly, and with respect for different opinions. Only in this way will it be possible to find common ground, a shared vision, and perhaps a way to recognize what unites us before our differences.

    Relax your Ethos!

    So, Happy New Year, and see you soon!

    Cheers, Guido.